Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Whimsy and me

Some folks give me an odd look and move away when I tell them I like to go out at night and hike.
When I told my mother in law about my latest adventure she sat back slightly and stared at me as if I'd grown an extra head.
Her mouth screwed up into an expression of horror or perhaps a silent "OHMYGOODNESS".
I'm sure she thought I'd lost my marbles.
I think she was relieved when I changed subjects.

I especially like hikes at night in the winter.
The land is raw and wild feeling.
But not unfriendly at all.
I feel comfortable even when the temperatures hover below freezing.

I especially love seeing the stars.
I am amazed at how the full moon can light up a landscape like it is a monotone version of day, bathed in an black and blue light.

Most photographers who love to shoot at the stars wish only for those moonless nights.
I revel in moon lit nights.
It is even more wonderful if there is snow to bounce back the cold light.
The moonlight will sparkle on ice crystals as the snowshoes or boots squeak with each step.

So now I await the snow.
However with the recent temperature drop I think we will be getting some incredible ice formations.

I've changed the batteries in the headlamp and have packed extra hand warmers.
I'm ready for some wild night life.

“You must not ever stop being whimsical. And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life.” ~~ Mary Oliver


  1. I LOVE the night, and I always take my dogs hiking around the farm at night. It is also really, really fun to go kayaking on a lake or pond at night. Too many people are afraid of the dark!!! The stars are great, and it is nice and quiet. I think it would be kind of scary without a dog, but I always have two, three, or four along!!
    Keep having fun!

  2. I agree with both of you. The night is a wonderful time to be about. The quiet is magical and the sights amazing!

  3. farm buddy, I normally don't take the dogs as I am in the heavily wooded areas and Mr. Morris is about the right size for a coyote snack. However I've never felt as though I were ever in any danger at all. The night is welcoming in the cold season. I do also carry a .22 pistol with me and only have used it twice in 15 years.
    Mrs. D, thank you also. I do love the night. Insomnia sometimes has its benefits doesn't it?

  4. I like your version of wild nightlife better.


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