Saturday, November 11, 2017

The old Pink Fugly Camera

Reflections in the small pond area

I stuck the old pink ugly camera in my pocket and fully intended not to use it.

However, it actually was more useful then my Nikon camera.

I thought this looked like claw marks

 Ice reflections

Sunset sky, taken while petting the red headed mule sisters.

After being dropped into the creek once by me in 2009, left in the woods, dropped into a drinking fountain once by the grand kids, and totally abused and mistreated for the past 8 yrs, this camera has outlasted all of my my more pricier pocket cameras and it isn't a freeze proof, water proof camera.
I paid all of $50 for it and it just keeps on snapping.

I wonder sometimes why I don't just leave the 'good' camera at home and take this like I used to!

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