Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Our first snow storm this year was a doozy.

First we had a nice dose of sleet and freezing rain along with winds.

Then came the snow/sleet.  At times it was blowing sideways.

It made the trees creak and moan.  It made me a bit nervous.
I helped hubby get the rest of the ice piks on his skid steer tracks and clean off some of the frozen mud.

The first order of business was to make sure everyone had lots of access to hay and heated water.  Mustang Sally and Crickett chose to stand and watch me unwrap a large round bale.
They could have gotten out of the winds but thought I was more interesting.

Then, after all animals were checked and tended too, my super Hero Hubby started to plow.

I walked up to the top of the ridge to get the mail and check on road conditions....

Not very great and the visibility was awful.  I'm glad I had my snow goggles on.

And then came the super hero with the skid steer!

I cannot say how grateful I am to have such a wonderful guy in my life!  Well, okay I am grateful to have a husband who loves to plow the driveway.  He even does it in the worst of weather.

Which it was at the time.  After we finished with chores and had BBQ for supper we sat quietly together in the living room and listened to the winds howl above us on the ridge.  The snow came down and the sleet pounded the house.

But we were content and tired.

And that was our first real snow of the season.

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