Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Sunrise Pajama Club

Do you mean not everyone gets up before dawn on a chilly morning and drives to the top of a ridge to watch the world awaken?

Pajamas required of course along with a travel mug of coffee.

Well at that time of day on a gravel road, predawn, we pretty much are not in any danger of running into anyone.

And those who live near us will know how crazy we are about doing this.

We listened to the birds awaken.  The red wing black bird, the robins, and then as the sky began to brighten, Ariel caught a flock of birds in the orange glow.

I thought they were specks of dirt on the lens, but upon a better inspection, ... birds!

I got lucky with this shot, I panned after the bird.

Budding photographer....

Later on that morning, Morris insisted we go for a hike.

And we had a great hike.

Our feet were tired after a few hours.  

And we came back with many fun adventures to tell about.

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