Friday, March 30, 2012

The Forest Floor

Lay on the forest floor and what do you get???

That is aside from woodticks.

You get to see some amazing views.
Then again, your ever loving Jack Russell Terrier may decide to stand on your back and use you to sit on while you are trying to photograph things on the forest floor.

These plants are coming up at least 3-4 weeks early.  I do not ever recall seeing Mayflowers come up before April 30th.  The pinks shown above have always made their appearance near April 20th.  

In fact this was shot April 22nd last year.  My ugly finger should give you an idea of what the size of these are...

Skunk Cabbage appears normally around the middle of April.

Blood Roots...well I found them on March 27th.  

The forest floor is literally coming alive in March this year.  I wonder what April will bring?

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